Understanding (1/1)
A few days later, Taehee went to the Lumin’s home to have a talk with him…alone. He knew that JJ’s friend wasn’t feeling well, so he didn’t want to start anything. However, he needed to know some things. When he arrived at the injured officer’s home, he was surprised. It was huge and obviously fancy. Lumin had the money to pay for it and he didn’t hold off from spending. When he walked up the stone steps, he rang the door bell. A young woman answered it and took his coat. He wasn’t surprised that he had a maid. He could have a full staff working for him, with how rich he was.
Taehee walked through the sitting room, directed to Lumin’s bedroom. The young police officer was sitting up in his bed, reading a book. He placed a bookmark in it and set the novel on his nightstand. “Good morning, Taehee. How are you? I guess you can see that I just look…beautiful.” He smirked sarcastically, and Taehee smiled at him. He had to remember that he needed to be polite and not jump straight to the point.
“Good morning, Lumin. I think you look okay, considering the situation,” he smiled at him. “I want to begin by thank you for catching my father’s killer. He’s lucky I wasn’t there, or I would have ordered JJ to roast him...or ripped his head off myself,” he said. “As I was telling Minho, that’s why I’m not a cop. I wouldn’t have as much mercy as you do.”
Lumin nodded. “Well, I wouldn’t have, either, if it hadn’t been for my partner. Kan’s the one who actually caught him. I just got in the way and got stabbed,” He smiled.
Taehee shook his head. “No. You did more than that, because I’m sure it was your idea and you are the one who hit him with power. Your partner wouldn’t have been able to get him without it.”
Lumin’s smile faded. “You mean the, um, flashlight. Kan went out of his way to protect us, and I haven’t given him enough credit for his loyalty. He’s covering my ass and I appreciate it.”
Taehee stared at him. “Lumin, you do know what we are up against, don’t you? Light…” He paused. “I want to be able to trust you, but you have the same power. Can you be honest with me? Are you…one of the Lights?”
Lumin shook his head, his lips pursed. “You know, I first thought this mihgt be a casual visit where you wouldn't question me anymore," he stared at Taehee. "I should have known that was the real reason you came here. You don’t trust me. Not all creatures are bad. Look at Haru and Mika. They aren’t bad and they haven’t killed anyone…like the Lights have. Also, how do you know all of the Lights are bad?”
Taehee rolled his eyes. “I never said all the Lights were evil. It’s just the ones attacking people, not the ones that mind their own business. I wanted to have this conversation when you were in the hospital, but it wasn’t secure enough.”
Lumin nodded, appearing uneasy. “I won’t lie to you, and never have. Yes, I am one of them, but I’m helping you. I have the powers that come along with it, such as the light and speed, but I don’t have the power of healing that some have. That is unfortunate, because I could’ve healed myself then and there. Now you know everything. I don't wear my heart on my sleeve, or even let the people closest to me know these things, for fear of them looking at me as a freak...or a fucking threat.”
Taehee shook his head, aggravated. “Lumin, I don’t know why the hell you couldn’t tell us this a long time ago. It would have been helpful to know these things. And...I don't see you as a threat. I just wanted to know the truth.”
“I’m sorry, hyung,” Lumin replied quietly, thought he still sounded guarded. “I should have been honest with you from the beginning. I just thought you might, kill me for being related to t