Title: FreePairing: Yifan/Yixing, Lu Han/ZitaoRating: PG-15Genre: Fantasy, Romance, FluffWord Count: 2.5kSummary: Yifan and Yixing escape the high walls of the palace and take their freedom to not-so...
Kyungsoo is a complete lone wolf, living in an old house in the mild of the Forrest by himself and no friends. At first he thinks hes the only werewolf in town until a large group of them appear and ...
Prince Luhans version of Snow Whites inevitable happy ending was far from what she had pictured from her days of being swept off her feet by a dashing young man on a white steed. Surrounded by four s...
Death by Bratz is not how I thought I’d perish. But nope. I guess I’m going to die right here, as these girls make mincemeat of my internal organs. “Let me have at her first,” Jade growls, cracking...
I know, I know, this is so cliquè, but I needed angel Kai in my life so XD Forewordyou is just an ordinary, human girl who attracts the attention of Kai, a fallen angel. Will love conquer all, or wi...
Once upon a time, theres a girl.. walking around the city, Showed her hand that has been marked with The Melody Mark,The Mark Glowing, Shine Bright with the Rainbow Color.Some people frightened by w...
PrólogoVivimos en una guerra oscura por el control del mundo como lo conocemos.Una raza superior renegada quiere determinar el futuro de la humanidad estableciendo sus propias reglas, donde la piedad...
A collection of one-shots/short stories based on childhood fairytales and nursery rhymes, as well as non-fairytale psychological thrillers. The stories wont be posted directly on here as chapters, b...
Youve been having dreams lately... FIRST DREAM: you saw this guy controlling water, like water bender.... SECOND DREAM: you were seeing visions of a boy, creating ice with his bear hands...THIRD DR...