• The story unfolds with the background of two high schools of MMO High School and Fantagio High School. This light fan fiction begins when two of the different students meet and later learnt that they...
  • SHINee is on a break for the first time and getting to enjoy freetime...with a fan? A competition was held for a fan to live with SHINee during their vacation, and so, Hee-Young was chosen. But who w...
  • A Love Story about REALITY. That FANGIRL and IDOL are words that usually cannot be formed in a sentence with ROMANTIC LOVE.Though possible, instances that it may happen is as small as a grain of sand...
  • Jaeyoung was your typical fangirl. She follows her favorite boy group, EXO, like a puppy. She took pictures, ask for autographs and go to fanmeetings and concerts.  Sehun was also your typical the yo...
  • Trailer:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=EyJghkRJmhY What if one day, the one youll love choose his dreams over you ? And now no matter how hard you try to reach him, h...
  • Some of them leaves, some of them stays. What if you stay when everyone else disappears? What if youll become light to your light? Inspire him like he does to you. A story of a girl who became an ins...
  • What a FANGIRL can do for the love of her IDOLS… ForewordTo My Dearest,    It has been a year since we met and exactly one hundred days since became together. Many things have happened and we’ve grow...
  • A story that I wrote more than 2 years ago, when Jihoon visited Paris; I was just FURIOUS, and HAPPY at the same time, for the same reason, HE IS 2 HOURS AWAY FROM ME TT and i cant do anything...BUT ...
  • It was a beautiful hot sunny day, when a girl, XCMEGX, suggested to her friend Deewlici0us to do their own Daily Journal on AFF. They both thought it was a very good idea, so HERE IT IS! Welcome to C...
  • "If you only knew I exist... I could have a chance." Foreword A one shot about a fangirls pain. Her thoughts of being with her idol.The one she likes...The one she adores...The one she wants to be wi...
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